capital expenditure program (programme [br.]) in Germany

[kæpitəlekspənditʃərprougræmprougræmbər] Investitionsprogramm

Sentence patterns related to "capital expenditure program programme br."

Below are sample sentences containing the word "capital expenditure program programme br." from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "capital expenditure program programme br.", or refer to the context using the word "capital expenditure program programme br." in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Possible alternative designs for an expenditure programme

Mögliche Alternativen zu einem Ausgabenprogramm

2. Capex definition: abbreviation for capital expenditure

3. Capex is a shortened form of the term capital expenditure or capital expenditures

4. They were not accounted for in private consumption expenditure, general government expenditure, or domestic capital formation.

5. Programme of Community action in the field of Health — Expenditure on administrative management

Maßnahmen der Gemeinschaft im Bereich der Gesundheit — Verwaltungsausgaben

6. Programme support costs in aggregate amounted to 11.5 per cent of total actual expenditure.

7. The first programme was moderated by BR editor-in-chief Christian Nitsche, the second by Ursula Heller.

Die erste Sendung moderierte BR-Chefredakteur Christian Nitsche, bei der zweiten Sendung war Ursula Heller Co-Moderatorin.

8. India remains committed to bearing the entire capital expenditure for this project.

9. This is partly offset by an anticipated decline of capital expenditure, which reflects the substantial one-off expenditure accrued in

Diese Entwicklung wird zum Teil durch einen antizipierten Rückgang der Kapitalausgaben ausgeglichen, der die beträchtlichen # angesammelten einmaligen Ausgaben widerspiegelt

10. The counterpart of capital expenditure is operating expense or operational cost (opex).

11. Capital expenditure is the amount of money you spend to gain fixed assets

12. • to redirect public expenditure towards physical and human capital accumulation and R&D;

13. Abbreviations: AAP = Africa Adaptation Programme, NAPA = national adaptation programme of action, PPCR = Pilot Program for Climate Resilience.

14. 1) Name of Transfer Payment Program: Airports Capital Assistance Program 2) Start Date:

15. All organisations will make the distinction between capital and revenue or current expenditure.

16. Tax Benefits i) 100% capital allowances for corporation and income tax purposes for capital expenditure on industrial and commercial buildings.

17. The programme cost estimates shall include a forecast of annual expenditure for the following two years.

Die Programmkostenschätzung enthält eine Vorausschau der jährlichen Ausgaben für die folgenden zwei Jahre.

18. Wirral Council has earmarked £000 in its capital programme for refurbishment work.

19. Expenditure Reporting Once actual delivery of the Program begins, expenditures will be encountered.

20. Expenditure recorded under programme activities executed by Governments and NGOs is accounted for on a disbursement basis

21. Expenditure recorded under programme activities implemented by Governments and NGOs is accounted for on a disbursement basis

22. Expenditure recorded under programme activities implemented by Governments and NGOs is accounted for on a disbursement basis.

23. Capital Allowances allow commercial property owners to claim qualifying items of capital expenditure as a tax deduction and are a valuable tax relief

24. UNICEF accounts for cash assistance as programme expenditure at the time of disbursement of funds to the Government.

25. CREATIVE ASSESSMENT<br />ASSESS CREATIVELY,<br />CREATE Assessingly<br />New Perspectives on Assessment in Education<br />May 12-14, 2011<br />Viorica Condrat<br />Alecu Russo State University <br />